United Nations Children’s Fund
Oct 2012 - Feb 2013
UNICEF supported government and civil society efforts to prevent and respond to sexual abuse and exploitation of girls and boys in more than 70 countries (including development and emergency contexts). UNICEF also held its third annual learning course “Advances in Social Norms” at the University of Pennsylvania in July, with 51 participants coming from all regions, the majority from West Africa and South Asia, as well as Headquarters; disseminated the ‘Compendium to the Training Manual to Fight...
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UNICEF supported government and civil society efforts to prevent and respond to sexual abuse and exploitation of girls and boys in more than 70 countries (including development and emergency contexts). UNICEF also held its third annual learning course “Advances in Social Norms” at the University of Pennsylvania in July, with 51 participants coming from all regions, the majority from West Africa and South Asia, as well as Headquarters; disseminated the ‘Compendium to the Training Manual to Fight Trafficking in Children’ to all of its regional and country offices; and organized a regional Training of Trainers for UNICEF staff and government counterparts form the MENA region in Cairo, Egypt.