Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS
The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) is the main advocate for accelerated, comprehensive and coordinated global action on the epidemic. UNAIDS aims to lead, strengthen and support an expanded response to HIV and AIDS that includes preventing transmission of HIV, providing care and support to those already living with the virus, reducing the vulnerability of individuals and communities to HIV and alleviating the impact of the epidemic. The Global Coalition on Women and AIDS is a partnership between United Nations agencies and civil society organizations seeking to call attention and spur action to address the increasing HIV infection rates among women and girls.Policy framework
UNAIDS policy position paper: Practical guidelines for intensifying HIV prevention (2007) draws specific attention to the fact that strategies to reduce violence against women are essential to a comprehensive HIV prevention strategy for women.Areas of Focus
UNAIDS pays particular attention to the intersections between violence against women and the threat of violence, and HIV prevention, treatment and care for women and girls. The Global Coalition on Women and AIDS strategy covers policy development, research and awareness-raising.UNAIDS co-sponsors also take a lead on violence against women, particularly WHO, UNFPA, and UNICEF. In May 2009, UNAIDS issued a policy document -- Joint Action for Results: the UNAIDS Outcome Framework 2009-2011 -- which outlines priority action areas in the AIDS response and opportunities to link the AIDS agenda to broader development goals and the MDGs.
One of the priority areas identified for concerted action by UNAIDS and cosponsors is reducing violence against women. The document commits UNAIDS to use its convening role, advocacy and programming resources to reduce sexual and intimate partner violence through appropriate entry points in the AIDS response. UNAIDS is an active partner in the inter-agency initiative UN Action against sexual violence in conflict.
Joint Action for Results: the UNAIDS Outcome Framework 2009-2011Gender Guidance for National AIDS responses
UNAIDS ensured continued support for implementation of the ‘integration of gender-based violence awareness, prevention and response’ in South Sudan ‘in collaboration with the GBV sub-cluster under the humanitarian response programme (a UNAIDS Secretariat initiative with UNHCR and WFP).
Participation in the Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Arrangements (MARA) on conflict related sexual violence of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict to promote appropriate timely action to prevent and respond to conflict-related sexual violence; inform strategic advocacy; enhance prevention and programmatic responses for survivors; and contribute to the development of comprehensive strategies to combat sexual violence at country-level.
In South Sudan UNAIDS trained police officers with a particular focus on female officers on prevention of GBV and HIV.