Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
Item ID
UNAgency ID
Policy Framework
ECLAC’s mandate and policy framework in the area of violence against women derive from the Regional Programme of Action for the Women of Latin America and the Caribbean (1994), confirmed by the Lima Consensus, adopted by the Eighth Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean (2000), and the Mexico Consensus, adopted by the Ninth Regional Conference (2004).

ECLAC’s mandate and policy framework in the area of violence against women has been further strengthened by the recommendations of the Quito Consensus, adopted by the tenth session of the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean (August 2007) and the bi-annual meetings of its Presiding Officers of the Regional Conference. At their forty-second meeting (Santiago, Chile 4-5 December 2008), the Presiding Officers and other member countries reported on measures being taken in their respective countries to eliminate gender-based violence, particularly at the institutional level as well as through the media and campaigns to unit with men against violence.12 In their final agreement, they “condemn(ed) violence against women, in all its forms, including violence in conflict situations, request(ed) the support of international cooperation to strengthen efforts to eradicate such violence, and ask(ed) that specific budgets be approved to support national action plans for the prevention and punishment of gender-based violence and the provision of care to people affected by it” (par. 26 and 27).

At their forty-third meeting (Port of Spain, 7-8 July 2009), the Presiding Officers of the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean reiterated their support to the attainment of the objectives of the Secretary-General’s Campaign to end violence against women and participate actively in the launch of the campaign in Latin America and the Caribbean in 2009
As the regional arm of the United Nations in Latin America and the Caribbean, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC/CEPAL) contributes to the economic and social development of Member States in the region, coordinating actions directed towards this end, and reinforcing economic relationships among the countries and with the other nations of the world. In the last decade, the mainstreaming of a gender perspective in its projects and programmes has increasingly become a clear part of its mandate.
Lorena Fríes y Victoria Hurtado (2010), Estudio de la información sobre la violencia contra la mujer en América Latina y el Caribe, Serie Mujer y Desarrollo No 99, Santiago de Chile, Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (LC/L.3174-P), marzo

Rocío Villanueva (2010), “El registro de feminicidio del Ministerio Público del Perú” en División de Asuntos de Género, Reunión internacional sobre buenas prácticas de políticas públicas para el Observatorio de igualdad de género de América Latina y el Caribe: Memoria”, Serie Mujer y Desarrollo No 104, Santiago de Chile, Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (LC/L.3231-P), junio
Mail Address
Av. Dag Hammarskjöld 3477. Vitacura, Santiago, Chile
Areas of Work
ECLAC addresses all forms and manifestations of violence against women. It undertakes research and policy development and the identification of good practice examples; it implements operational activities and contributes to awareness-raising and outreach on these issues. ECLAC aims to strengthen the capacity of countries in the region to produce knowledge on gender-based violence, including the measurement of its incidence and trends.
Agency Type
Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean

Oct 2009 - Feb 2010 | ECLAC

In the framework of the interregional project, ECLAC collaborated with ECE in the development of a proposal for developing and testing a short module questionnaire on violence against women together with a proposal for the accompanying interviewer’s guide and training package. Testing of the module is being prepared by two or three pilot countries in each region.

Oct 2009 - Feb 2010 | ECLAC

ECLAC prepared an updated version of the regional interagency report on violence against women on the basis of the information available in recent demographic and health surveys. The report was presented as part of the launching of the regional chapter of the Secretary General’s Campaign to end violence against women in Guatemala City, in November 2009).

Oct 2008 - Feb 2009 | ECLAC

In order to define the basic set of indicators necessary for the functioning of the ECLAC Gender Observatory, two technical meetings were organized, with representatives from National Machineries for the Advancement of Women/Gender Affairs and National Statistical Offices of Latin America (Aguascalientes (Mexico), in October 2008) and the Caribbean (Port-of-Spain, in December 2008). Reports of both meetings were approved at the Forty-second meeting of the Presiding Officers of the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean (Santiago, December 2008).

Mar 2013 - Feb 2014 | ECLAC

In March 2013, ECLAC published the third report of the Gender Equality Observatory for Latin America and the Caribbean, which focuses on indicators of physical, economic and decision-making autonomy as seen against the backdrop of the regional agenda shaped by the consensuses reached at the Regional Conferences on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean. The Observatory’s indicators of physical autonomy highlight the obstacles that women in the region face in seeking to take their own decisions about their sexuality and reproduction and to exercise their right to a life free of violence.

Mar 2012 - Jan 2013 | ECLAC

The Gender Equality Observatory for Latin America and the Carribean, supported by ECLAC, continues the analysis of homicide penalization in the region; the analysis of specific laws and policies on violence against women; and the identification of registers on femicide. ECLAC also supports the Central American Court of Justice in the creation of a Central American Regional Observatory against gender-based Violence.

Mar 2011 - Jan 2012 | ECLAC

ECLAC also, in coordination with the other Regional Commissions such as ECA, finalized in December 2011 the implementation of the interregional project “Enhancing capacities to eradicate violence against women through networking of local knowledge communities” and undertook the following activities:a) The development and testing of an international questionnaire on violence against women to be applied as a stand-alone or to be integrated as a module in population-based surveys, which contributed to the development of indicators proposed by the Friends of the Chair of the President and approved